Servicebots revolutionizes Customer Contact with AI and Large Language Models.
Your Human Talent + Servicebots’ Virtual Talent and Analytics
Significant business performance improvement by implementing the contact center of the future
Servicebots helps you to do more with less as it allows you to provide a much better customer experience while at the same time achieving significant customer service savings

Improved customer experience
Wouldn’t your customers love it if you could answer all their calls immediately and save them the trouble of navigating through your cumbersome IVR?
Improve your customer experience by answering all your customer contacts with zero wait time, 24/7, with a friendly “What can I help you with today?”

Improved business performance
Can you imagine how much your business performance could improve, if you could turn every customer contact into an “Intelligent Customer Contact”?
Servicebots’ “Generative Intelligent Customer Contact Platform” brings you all the power of AI and LLMs to help you make each contact more efficient and successful.

Reduced Costs
And what if you could reduce your customer service costs in 30% to 50%?
Our Generative Virtual Agents can successfully handle between 50% to 70% of your customer contacts without the need for human intervention.

Faster Sales, Debt Collections and Customer Retentions
Did you know that you can achieve more and faster sales, debt collections and customer retentions, with the same number of contact center agents?
Our Generative Virtual Agents can reach out to as many customers as you want and can understand their objections and offer viable alternatives and negotiate optimal deals.

Analize all conversations
Wouldn’t you like to understand what really happens on all your customer contacts, and determine your customer voice and how well your agents are servicing your customers?
We help you monitor 100% of your contacts and understand your customers’ reasons for calling, sentiments and pains and your agent’s performance.
Servicebots' Gererative Intelligent Contact Platform includes the following key Conversational AI functionalities:

Your AI powered unlimited supply of Contact Center Agents
Our Generative Voicebots can hold very natural, fluent and cognitive inbound and outbound conversations with your customers on the phone, without the need for human intervention, and with human like voices. They answer all calls immediately 24/7. They can also detect and negotiate objections in sales, debts collections and customer retention.
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At last! Chatbots that can really understand your customers want
Our Generative Chatbots can hold very natural and cognitive inbound and outbound conversations with your customers on text channels such as webchat, Messenger or WhatsApp. They respond to all contact request immediately, 24/7. They are also capable of detecting and negotiating objections in sales, debt collections and customer retention.
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Visualize and understand what goes on in all your customer contacts
Our Interpretative Conversational Analytics allows you to capture “The Voice of the Customer” in 100% of your contacts. Reasons for calling, customer sentiments, emotions and pains are easily identified. Agent performance is assessed by interpreting where the agent performed adequately and where they did not.
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Enhance your Contact Center Agents' performance with all the power of AI and LLMs
Our Intelligent Virtual Co-Pilots will assist your Contact Center agents in real time, bringing them all the power of AI and LLMs, so that each customer contact is more efficient and effective. Faster customer request understanding, faster call resolution and better objection handling can all be achieved.
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Million Voicebots calls
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Countries of operation in 3 different languages
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Intelligent Virtual Agents deployed
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% Growth rate in current clients
What are our clients saying about Servicebots?
We strive not only to providing the best AI solutions, but also to provide the best customer service and support.
Servicebots is proud to have been selected by NVIDIA as one of its Inception Program Members
Licences & Certifications