Capture ``the Voice of the Customer``

Servicebots leverages the power of AI to help you monitor 100% of your calls in order to learn everything your customers have to say
Reasons for Calling

Do you know why each customer is reaching out to you?

Successful Call Aspects

Learn what whas it exactly that the customer liked about each conversation

Pains and Complaints

Capture all your customers valuable feedback, so you can improve your customer experience and your value proposition

Sentiments and Emotions

Are you aware of how your customers feel when interacting with your company?

Mentions and Opinions

Do you know what your customers are saying about your company, your service quality, your pricing and about your competitors?

Improvement Opportunities

Clearly identify all aspects that the customer did not like about the conversation

Assess your contact center agent's performance

Evaluate every aspect of your agent's performance in every single conversation.
Successful Performance

Clearly identify all customer service aspects that your agents handled correctly and even those in which they really shined

Inappropriate Behavior

Monitor 100% of your conversations and promptly identify any type of inappropriate behaviour by any of your agents.


Automate your compliance validation in all your customer contacts using our AI based Conversational Analytics solution. Policies, rules, regulations and prohibitions can all be moniotored.

Subpar Peformance

Determine specifically what was it that the agent did sup-optimally in the conversation, including critical errors

Agent Efficiency

Track agent efficiency and productivity and identify actionable insights to improve key KPIs

Conversation Summary

We can automatically generate the summary of every conversation and post it in your CRM system. This saves your agents the trouble of having to do it and increases all you agent's productive time significantly

Capture ``the secrect sauce of successful calls``

Our ``Interpretative`` Conversational Analytics solution allows you to understand in detail the DNA of successful conversations.
Most Common Customer Objections

Clearly identify your customers' most common sales, debt payment and retention objections

Critical Success Factors

Find out what that ``X Factor`` of your most successful agents is all about.

Agent Training

Clearly determine the specifics aspects where your agents need to be trained in more depth in order to improve the customer experience

Most Successful Objection Answers

Determine which are the winning comebacks to your customers' sales, deb payment or retention objections

Best Practices

Identify the best practices followed by your stellar agents that should be generalized to the rest of your agents

Agent Recruiting

Understand the core agent skills and characteritics that will ensure better customer service and less agent churn